Gloria Lopez Mora – Puro


Mis Crismes 1956, Christmas in La Puente, New Mexico, makes an important contribution to the rich and diverse history of the Southwest through the author’s personal narrative which documents both her childhood experiences and her family’s cultural heritage. It is of utmost importance to include this text in the literary canon of the Southwest. Mora’s unique bilingual text treats us to both Spanish and English readers, and to a taste of the colloquial regional dialect of northern New Mexico with its hybrid roots based in Colonial Spanish and old-world Nahuatl, one of the prime Uto-Aztecan languages of the indigenous peoples of North America.


Author Gloria Mora has rewarded us with a rare glimpse into a multi-generational family’s Christmas tradition steep in a centuries-old way of life, rich in unique traditions and culture…  we will warm our hands in the stove, smell the aroma of the bollitos Grandma has baked, and we will cringe in fearful anticipation when the abuelitos come knocking on the door to visit the children for nine nights ending on Christmas Eve. 


And on Christmas morning we will celebrate Mis Crismes.

Review by

David Anthony Martin, author 

You will be enchanted by this story, Mis Crismes 1956. It is a colonial tradition that was celebrated in northern New Mexico for centuries, when people moved to southern Colorado, they held on to their language and the tradition. Sadly, these beautiful customs are fading away. 

This story was thoughtfully written to preserve the colonial Spanish language and culture, it is nonfiction, for readers at the fifth-grade reading level to adults and is written in Colonial Spanish, English and modern Spanish making it accessible to far-reaching readers.

You are invited to spend two weeks with Gloria as she tells her Mis Crismes experiences.


Vas a estar encantao con este cuento, Mis Crismes 1956. Es una tradición colonial que fue celebrado en el norte de Nuevo México durante siglos y cuando la gente mudó al sur de Colorado, llevaron la tradición con ellos. Pero ‘ora este idioma y las costumbres están muriendo. 

Este cuento fue escrito con muncho cuidao para preservar el idioma español y la cultura colonial del norte de Nuevo México y el sur de Colorado, es realidad, está escrito para lectores en el quinto grado de lectura hasta mayores. Fue escrito en español colonial, en inglés y español moderno, para que sera accesible a leedores diversos. 

Están invitados a pasar dos semanas con Gloria mientras que te cuenta sus experiencias de Mis Crismes.